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Calloway Circus: “Entropy” Album Review & Interview

St. Louis, Missouri has gifted the world with two young talented musicians, Ben McGuiness and Tyler Andrew. Their friendship and exchange of musical ideas are known to their audience as Calloway Circus. They have been performing alternative pop ever since 2015. It all began with some of Ben’s teenage lyrics, which are no longer public, but have helped build their current fanbase, and have a chance of being released again in the future. 

On February 14, 2020, their debut album Entropy became available on all platforms. The project demonstrates personal chaos.

The project consists of ten songs that all ask questions. This illustrates the confusion and anxiety one feels when they have encountered a destructive event in their life. This could be a person, an idea, habit, and/or a style of thinking. 

Entropy reminds listeners that we often blame ourselves for all the negative elements in our lives. We tend to rummage our brains for ways we can improve. Emotions and compassion allow room for that which damages us, vs. what strengthens us.

“You’ve got me feeling insane, but I’d sell myself to see your face. Won’t you hear me out? Won’t you listen to me? I think about our broken dreams, and all the things we hope to be,” their song “Look What You’ve Done” says.

Once there is disturbance of personal peace, concerns arise in defense against the event that is causing pain. At first the culprit is questioned, but over time the victim questions themself. 

“I worry every day, feel like the world’s gone gray. What’s the point of all this? The feeling I dismiss. You know you did this to me. Even if you break me, I’m never gonna tell you no. Even if you hate me, I’m never gonna let you go.”

— “Gray” Calloway Circus

Watch the video for “Gray” here:

Although the destruction is discovered, love blinds reason, and immediate solutions become canceled out.

Their song “Backwards” says, “WAIT! Tell me your secrets. Tell me what you want to say. Tell me your weaknesses. Why do you feel afraid? You’ve got me bending over backwards. Who have I become? This is not enough.”

All available energy is drained to go above and beyond in search of answers that have always existed, but never believed and/or accepted.

“I’m unpredictable, I’m an entropy.”

— “Lose Your Mind” by Calloway Circus

Watch the video for “Lose Your Mind” here:

Overall, the album encourages rebellion against any unhealthy emotional rules you may have for yourself. It symbolizes a release of worry, self discovery, and self love. 

“This daylight drains me, lose myself daily. Everyday feels like a lifetime. I refuse to be a slave to my broken mind,” the eighth song on the album, “Tired” Eyes” says.

Listen to Entropy on Spotify today!


Continue reading to get an inside look on Calloway Circus!

Describe your earliest music experience. 

Ben McGuiness: I remember learning how to sing “The Rising” by Bruce Springsteen in my dad’s car as a kid. That pushed me to learn how to create my own sound. 

What inspires the music you produce?

Our strongest influence is The Killers. We admire the way they’ve successfully kept up with current trends, while maintaining originality and a sense of nostalgia. We’re also inspired by Bring Me the Horizon and The 1975. We feel they’re truly doing things right. 

What’s a fear you face as performing musicians?

Our biggest fear is losing the privilege to make music. Writing and performing gives us purpose, and the will to continue living.

Why did you choose to work with each other?

We understand each other, both in music and in life. We have our weaknesses, but we get through everything together. I’ve never had a friend like Tyler, he’s never had a friend like me, and I think that’s why this duo works. We genuinely love creating together. 

What projects can we expect from Calloway Circus in the future? 

We’re working hard behind the scenes to get a tour going, and play regional shows in the midwest for the rest of the year. We’re currently in the studio with Courtney Ballard (Waterparks, Emarosa, Stand Atlantic.) Our goal is to keep creating great songs and play them as much as possible! 

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