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Angela, Muddy Paw PR: Women’s History Month

“You have to believe in yourself and what you’re doing—because not everyone will.”

Angela Mastrogiacomo founded the music blog Infectious Magazine in 2009, and soon after found herself completely immersed in the world of music. After five years of coordinating artist coverage, fielding press releases, and managing a writing team, Angela released Muddy Paw PR in 2014. 

Along with working alongside others in the music industry to keep Muddy Paw thriving, Angela also owns Thrive Mentorship Community, a source for people in the industry to find helpful resources to better their own knowledge and careers.

What motivated you to want to be a part of the music industry?

Honestly, it was so serendipitous—I happened to catch the set of a local band one night and I was so captured by their energy, their performance, their clear love of being on that stage, that I just had to tell their story. That was in 2009, and it was the sole reason I launched my music blog. The rest unfolded from there!

How did you discover the world of music blogging and PR?

When I got started in 2009, music blogs weren’t really around in the same way they are today. They existed, but they were few and far between, so I didn’t really have a lot of examples to learn from. I did my best and figured it out as I went. Five years in when I graduated from college, I was miserable. I was legitimately going into the one person bathroom every hour, sneaking my laptop in with me via my purse and just alternating between crying and working on my blog for 10-15 min increments. When I got laid off from that job, it was the best thing that could have happened. It gave me the push I needed to take all that I’d learned from blogging, all the connections I’d built, and launch Muddy Paw PR.

Who are some of your biggest female role models or inspirations in the music industry?

The women who mentored me when I first started—Jen Appel who ran Catalyst Publicity Group and Sari Kohen who ran Audio Blood in Toronto. They were both incredibly gracious with their time and knowledge and I wouldn’t be where I am without them. 

Do you believe that women are misrepresented or underrepresented in the music industry?

I think this is something women battle in all fields—constantly underestimated and usually wholly unappreciated. 

Do you think there needs to be changes made to the industry so it becomes more inclusive? If so, what do you think the music community can do?

Again, I think this is true of all industries—and I wish there was a simple answer, but there are so many moving parts. I do think one thing we (woman especially) can do is to really support one another. No more of this cutting each other down, calling each other names, and being jealous of each other. We need to support one another, 100%.

What is the best advice you have been given within the music industry?

The best piece of advice I received was that I had to believe in myself and know in my heart that I was doing good work because that’s not always something you’re given validation for. You have to believe in yourself and what you’re doing—because not everyone will. And you have to be ok with that.

Connect with Angela and Muddy Paw PR on social media!

Angela: Website | Instagram

Muddy Paw PR: Website | Facebook | Twitter