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Recommended Reading: “I Told You I Hated New York”

“… As someone who’s often felt like I don’t fit in or am not accepted, it’s rewarding to know people can read this and appreciate it. I hope the book makes people feel less alone.”

I Told You I Hated New York, released in December of 2019, is a collection of stories, essays, and poems on music, friendship, mental health, heartbreak, and growth.

Molly Louise Hudelson, the author of I Told You I Hated New York has been a music journalist and photographer for almost nine years. Between running a blog entitled Circles & Soundwaves, for seven years, and contributing to outlets like Substream, AXS, Kerrang!, Ladygunn, and working full-time in music video promotion for the past three years, Molly has made her mark in the industry we know and love.

In the introduction of I Told You I Hated New York Molly states, “I hope you read it, I hope you share it with others, and I hope it inspires you to do something where you can share yourself with the world.” And that’s what I’ll be doing- recommending this book to everyone who wants to be inspired.

Continue reading to learn more about Molly and I Told You I Hated New York!

Give us some background knowledge on “I Told You I Hated New York”! When and why did you start creating the idea for this book? What will readers learn about you and the music industry in this book?  

The idea of a poetry/essay anthology/zine/book first came to me in the spring/summer of 2017, I was talking with someone (who’s also a writer) about how I had all these pieces – poems, personal stories and essays, etc. – that I wanted to share in a collection of some sort. I kept on writing and then in November 2018 I wrote the poem, “I Told You I Hated New York”, and I knew that would be the “centerpiece” of my collection and title of the eventual book. I started putting everything together (figuring out which pieces I wanted to include, editing, formatting and design, etc) in October 2019.

I hope readers will come away from the book having seen me grow and come into my own. In the book, you’ll learn about my beginnings in music and what it was like for me to find my place as a music journalist, up until the present day. You’ll definitely learn a lot about the power of community, and how hard work can pay off! In addition to my career, you’ll learn a lot about my mental health, friendships, and personal relationships.

When you wrote the poem, “I Told You I Hated New York,” how did you know that it would be the “centerpiece” of my collection and title of the eventual book?

The idea of a book had been floating around in my head for a bit when I wrote “I Told You I Hated New York” while on a night out in the city. I’d spent so much time telling someone else how much I hated New York that I began to believe it myself. The poem encapsulates a lot of themes I have throughout the book, like identity and growth and self-discovery, so it felt like a good centerpiece. Writing that poem was a turning point for me – when I realized that I didn’t have to change myself or dim my own glow, in order for another person to accept me. And, I felt like it was an intriguing title – like if someone saw that title, they’d want to know what it was about (was I writing about New York, or was I writing about all the things I hated, or was I writing about what I told someone else?).

One of my favorite pieces from I Told You I Hated New York  is “Dear You.” Can you share a little more information about it?

“Dear You” was written as an open letter to someone that, at the time of writing, I hadn’t met. I was at a show of a band that’s known for having a really close, dedicated fan base. The lead singer often gives a speech or has something to say before introducing a song that’s about suicide. On this particular night, he told the story of a fan he’d met recently who had struggled with depression, self-harm, and suicidal thoughts. This resonated with me because I’ve been there, and it seemed like she was a younger version of me, in a way. I wrote it for her, but also for anyone else who’s struggling and doesn’t realize how many people are looking out for them. 

What other books and/or authors have inspired you and your writing and why?

More than books or authors, what I’ve been most inspired by is music. Good Charlotte, Free Throw, Pentimento, Patent Pending, Simple Plan are just a few of the bands that have connected with me and that I write about in the book. I’m inspired by music that can move you – music that’s emotional but the type of thing that, hopefully, whoever’s listening can relate to it.

What writing goals have you set for the rest of 2020? What other goals have you set for yourself this year or in future years?

This year, my goal is to secure more high-profile, paid music journalism work! I have a list of publications that are my dream to have bylines in, but I’m not closing any doors for now. I’d like to keep doing interviews and telling artists’ stories. I’m also thinking about getting back into podcasting and I’m working on my YouTube channel, which is a new venture I’m doing for fun. And, I’d like to blog more regularly! 

Other goals: do the best I can to take care of myself! That means continuing to exercise regularly, and eat well. I’d also like to do more animal rights activism this year.

Is there anything else you would like to say about you or the book?  

It means the world that people are interested in reading I Told You I Hated New York! The book gives the reader insight into who I am and talks about a lot of really personal feelings – as someone who’s often felt like I don’t fit in or am not accepted, it’s rewarding to know people can read this and appreciate it. And, I really hope that people connect with it! Maybe you don’t know the exact story or the person that inspired me to write “I Told You I Hated New York” – but maybe you’ve been in a situation where you felt like you had to change who you are for someone else, maybe you’ve needed to step away from a lot of hurt to realize all the beauty that surrounds you. I hope the book makes people feel less alone!

Buy I Told You I Hated New York today- you won’t regret it!