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DIIV’s Atmospheric Performance At Revolution Hall In Portland, Oregon

Last week, June 12, the Brooklyn dream- pop and shoe-gaze band DIIV graced the stage at Revolution Hall in Portland. The venue, housed within the beautifully renovated former Washington High School building, provided an intimate setting for a fantastic musical experience. As the lights dimmed, the heavy use of fog enveloped the stage, creating an ethereal atmosphere that perfectly complemented DIIV’s sound.

DIIV’s setlist featured tracks from their latest album, “Frog in Boiling Water,” which captures personal resurrection through metallic catharsis. The distorted guitars reverberated through the hall, intertwining with Zachary Cole Smith’s haunting vocals. The crowd swayed to favorites like “Skin Game” and “Blankenship,” lost in the haze of sound and fog. But before DIIV took the stage, opener SASAMI warmed up the audience with her own brand of indie rock, setting the tone for an unforgettable night of music.

Overall, DIIV’s performance was a mesmerizing blend of sonic exploration and visual mystique. The fog, the distorted guitars, and the intimate venue combined to create an unforgettable concert experience. If you missed it, keep an eye out for DIIV’s next tour—they’re a band that continues to push boundaries and captivate audiences worldwide. And don’t forget to check out SASAMI’s music too; her opening set was a delightful prelude to the main event!



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