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RAVIVE Releases New Single “Social Shit”

Inner darkness, eerie vocals and a “story of revitalization” continue to encompass singer Ravive’s image as she fights to speak her truth through song.

Her second single of the year, “Social Shit” was released on November 19th after nearly 3 years spent contemplating the subject matter. Describing herself as an “anxious soul”, we catch a glimpse into said anxiety regarding the topic of social media presence and the assumptions that stem from it. Through personal experience, Ravive quickly came to terms with how misleading many posts can become, and the existential feelings surrounding it.

“When I was knee deep in promoting my old band’s music on socials…it was constant posting, sharing, liking, writing…I began to think about how curated feeds are – they don’t offer a full view of who a person is, what they do…and I said one day, “this is all just social shit.” Saying that out loud brought the overall concept to fruition.”

Similar to her first single, “Sahara”, “Social Shit” dives into feelings of the unknown, attempting to navigate through the chaos life throws out and trying to remain authentic while finding peace amidst the anxiety. Both tracks remain true to Ravive’s own life during her time of writing, staying relevant to her as her songwriting skills grow.

“That’s what I needed to say then, and this is what I need to say right now. I’ve always been an in depth, no holding back type of lyricist. But over the years I’ve had to hone in on what that means, and how I can do that with both style and refinement. The main difference is just that it’s more evolved.”

Since early childhood, Ravive has found herself influenced by the power of music and desire to find connection points with listeners. Through “Social Shit”, she has succeeded in doing so by shedding a light on a relevant topic through a sound unique to her aesthetic. Listeners catch a glimpse into who Ravive truly is, describing aspects of her life and personality one may not catch from an Instagram feed. Overall, her desire to share a genuine side to her life is prominent, as she reminds herself, and others to push aside what the public may try to discern.

“I have to really keep reminding myself that as long as I remain authentic, and I’m consistently trying to always be a better human being, assumptions are just white noise.”

“Social Shit” is available now across streaming platforms. To stay up to date on Ravive’s next release and more, connect with her on social media here.


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