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Women’s History Month: Concert Photographer Victoria Schmidt

Victoria Schmidt is a concert photographer with a passion for advocating for women. Not only does she take photos at concerts, she also finds her talents in lifestyle and portrait photography. Starting at a young age, she’s always had a love for cameras. After many YouTube tutorials and trial and error, eight years later she had made a career for herself doing what she loves.

How did you get into concert photography?

I got into it through a local radio station, and they gave me a shot to shoot some of their holiday shows. I ended up shooting more and more shows through the station and they really helped propel my career in the beginning, so I owe a lot to them.

I see from your portfolio you do other types of photography as well. Where do you find yourself most comfortable and why?

I honestly find myself most comfortable at concerts, especially for artists I’m a fan of. I always enjoy capturing the feelings and emotions of the artists as well as the show itself.

You mentioned one of your passions is advocating for equality in the music industry. What are some ways you are able to do that?

I’m able to do that by sticking up for the inequalities that I, as well as other women in the music industry, have faced. I support Girls Behind The Rock Show who are on the front lines advocating heavily to get more women into the music industry. I believe women are fully capable of doing any job you see on tour as well as on the more business side of it.

What does Women’s History Month mean to you?

Women’s History Month to me is to shine light on those who normally don’t get the recognition they deserve. I believe it should be recognized all of the time, but it should definitely provide that platform that we deserve during this time.

Can you name a woman that inspires you?

For me a huge inspiration even before I started working in music was Hayley Williams. She’s always been outspoken about mental health, advocating for equality, and is just an inspiration when it comes to showing that IT IS possible to make it and be yourself.

What is some advice you would give to a female, on getting into the music industry?

Some advice I’d give is be the best version of yourself you can be, network with everyone you come into contact with because you never know which of those people will give you a shot. The biggest piece of advice I’d give though is don’t give up. The first try may not always work but don’t get discouraged, keep trying.

You can check out Victoria’s work on her website or at her social media listed below.


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